It’s tough to fill some jobs right now. Beware using automated software… it can reject good candidates by mistake.
Automated hiring software — programs used by employers to scan resumes and filter job applicants — is mistakenly rejecting millions of viable candidates, according to a study published this month from Harvard Business Law. The study, titled Hidden Workers: Untapped Talent, delves into how leaders can improve hiring practices, close skills gaps, improve diversity and more. The over reliance on resume-scanning software is contributing to the problem of “hidden workers,” according to the report.
The use of this software has become a huge business in itself. As the report notes: “Over the intervening years, automation has come to pervade almost every step in the recruiting process: applicant tracking systems, candidate relationship management, scheduling, background checks, sourcing candidates, and assessments. The global recruitment technology market had grown to $1.75 billion by 2017 and is expected to nearly double, to $3.1 billion, by 2025.”
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